By Mark Slavo| From | On April 9th, 2012

Back in August of 2011, to the disbelief of some our readers, we reported that one potential Obama administration strategy for the 2012 election would be to Incite Race Riots and Use White Guilt in 2012 , and that they would operate covertly, behind-the-scenes to allow such an event to take place if it served their interests. While no evidence exists that this is what’s happening, it’s become evident that no one in Washington, especially the Obama administration or members of the Congressional Black Caucus, have made any attempts to quell the cries for a race war over the last several weeks. If anything, they’ve been complicit in allowing it to happen.

The following audio recording of a Black Panther conference call suggests that race conflicts in the US may become violent in the very near future, just as we recently warned.

Via The Daily Sheeple:

The race conflict stemming from the Trayvon Martin incident is heating up. Armed Neo-Nazis are actively ‘patrolling’ the streets of Sanford to protect white people, and now the Black Panthers have taken their threats to a new level, even calling for the capture of George Zimmerman ‘Dead or Alive.’

Video follows excerpt:

“If you are having any doubts about getting suited, booted, and armed up for this race war that has never ended, let me tell you something… The thing that’s about to happen to these honkies, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these motherf**kin’ turtle people – it has been long overdue.”

While perhaps unpopular and politically incorrect, we are of the opinion that a double standard exists in our Federal government, and if a Caucasian blogger, radio host, author or individual web site forum contributor made the same remarks about violent revolution, race war and bloodshed directed at blacks and African Americans, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a host of other alphabet agencies would be immediately involved in a criminal probe. What America’s head law enforcer Attorney General Eric Holder does next will be key to identifying if the Obama administration is, in fact, supporting these racial conflicts behind the scenes.

Our government has made it a point to prosecute individuals under hate crimes legislation, often making it a spectacle in mainstream media. Moreover, the Department of Homeland Security asks us to be on the look-out for domestic terrorist organizations and suspicious behavior that my pose a threat to American citizens. Well, we see something, and we’re saying something. Will the government do anything? (We know DHS got this message, because they visit regularly)

It is our view that if we do live in a nation of laws, where everyone is equal under said laws, The President should stop nothing short of publicly decrying these calls for armed revolution and should initiate an immediate investigation into the planned violent activities of the New Black Panther Party.

Hat tip The Daily Sheeple, Market Ticker, Breitbart

The original article can be viewed at

News Reporter
RSOP is the co-founder & Executive Editor of Radical Survivalism Webzine, as well as a Family Preparedness Consultant with over seven years of personal experience in the self-reliance game. RSOP's many preparedness roles within his own group include team mechanic, head of security, electrician, and project designer/engineer.