There has been an influx of even more terrifying news from the international front in the last week…
Wondering what the next year will bring, and hoping that we get as far as the next Presidential inauguration…
I rarely leave the bathroom these days without wondering when will be the last time I ever actually get to flush the toilet or when the light switch will no longer provide light…
Putting our six year old to bed last night on Christmas Eve brought me to tears…
Her innocence is astounding as it is simple. Far reaching and joyous…complete and without question. She knows very little of the trials of the world in which she resides. My only wish is to protect her, and to keep that innocence intact for as long as I can.
This all serves to remind me that I need to enjoy every day, and never, never take for granted the time that I have with that beautiful six year old. This is a similar concept to having a terminal illness-live each day as if it is your last. Sans the terminal illness, it is a difficult concept to preach to those with their heads in the proverbial sand. But I still hope to live and share by example; therefore these words I share with you:
If you hug them, hug them closer.
If you feed them, feed them more.
If you house them, keep them warmer.
If you love them, invite them in and love them even more than you ever have.