MOTH (Mother Of The House) is the Co-founder and Editor-In-Chief of Radical Survivalism Webzine.



I remember the first days. I remember the first few things I put in my Amazon wish list. I left some of them there as a reminder. RSOPerator was a challenge. If we would have had a sandbox, he would have literally…

Prepper Wedding

Prepper Wedding


Prepper, Homesteader, Minimalist…It’s a lifestyle and a choice. Decisions are weighed out carefully regarding multiple variables. What does it cost, can it be reused, how will it improve our life? When it comes to your big day, this can make budgeting a…

When Did We Become so Afraid?

When Did We Become so Afraid?


As someone who in the last year has moved from prepper acquisition mode of material goods to prepper acquisition mode of knowledge, one universal thought from the preparedness community has become painfully apparent: When did we all become so afraid? I am…

Is Evacuation of Japan Imminent?


March 11, 2011: A massive earthquake strikes off the coast of Japan. Thousands die in the chaos that ensues after the quake and resultant 33 foot high tsunami that follows.  The reactors located at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant sustain significant damage…

Community Now and After


As we travel farther down the road of technology, we move farther apart as a society. I became painfully aware of this the day I first witnessed minivans on the interstate with small televisions embedded on the back of every headrest. Each…



After searching literally hundreds of recipes on the internet to find the best biscuit recipe, I decided to create my own. It’s a winner. Don’t believe me? Just try it. Recipe is below. The biscuits tripled in size, light and airy, but…