“Nine Meals Away from Anarchy”
Sneak Preview of National Geographic’s March 5th Episode of Doomsday Preppers
This week’s episode is inspiring due to the amount of time and expense the Doomsday Preppers have spent acquiring their supplies. None of participants have the appearance of being fringe hoarders or paranoid kooks. All are fairly non descript individuals that you would pass on the sidewalk or in the grocery store and you would never give them a second glance, until you got a peek into their storage areas:
- Suburbanite Mike Mester and family forty-five miles outside of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, preparing for economic meltdown followed by a grid-down situation, has spent at least an hour a day preparing with his wife for the last decade
- Preston White, web designer from central Colorado has amassed over 11,000 varieties of seeds is waiting for a radioactive cloud from the damaged Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan to arrive at his location, contaminating all food and water
- Welding foreman Riley Cook with his wife and four young children from Silverthorne, Colorado who now builds underground disaster shelters, is expecting a pole shift to occur, and has invested his entire life savings at an estimate of $300,000.00
What is overlooked in the expert assessments of the Doomsday Preppers participants are first aid supplies as well as plans for sustainability in a post apocalyptic scenario. Rooms full of food can be difficult to transport if the Preppers have to bug out from their homes to a different location. Potable water is also crucial for survival, whether it be for drinking, washing, or watering of crops.
Having supplies on hand is an integral part of preparedness. What is absent in participants plan of readiness is the concept that supplies are finite. There are no mentions of stored reference material for future use, such as first aid techniques, or agriculture. Without a plan of sustainability, when supplies run low, where do the preppers turn to replenish their stockpiles?
Having seeds on hand as well as the ability to grow them is and may be the ultimate survival tool in terms of sustainability, as well as being in possession of life saving currency. Unfortunately, an individual becomes dependent on the weather to grow a successful crop. Preston Whites’ tremendous stash can allow him riches in a post apocalyptic world that is beyond imagination. That is, of course, if he has the means to defend and protect his abundant treasure trove of seeds.
Watch Tuesday night 9 p.m. EST and 9 p.m. PST March 6, 2012 Doomsday Preppers “Nine Meals Away from Anarchy” on the National Geographic channel. You will be amazed and astonished at the wealth of preparedness that is revealed on this episode.
Can’t get enough of the show? View National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers website at http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/doomsday-preppers/
View the National Geographic March 6th Doomsday Preppers Blog Carnival at http://tvblogs.nationalgeographic.com/2012/03/06/nine-meals-away-from-anarchy-bloggers-weigh-in-on-tonights-new-episode-of-doomsday-preppers/
Join our unofficial Doomsday Preppers discussion forum and share your thoughts with others regarding the show: http://radicalsurvivalism.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=42